Cabo Verdean inspired Art

Even outside Cabo Verde, many artists are inspired by the rich culture and its colorful people. You can find Cabo Verdean inspired all over the world.

Jackie Lopes Da Luz

Meet Jackie, a young Cabo Verdean artist. Born in Sweden, she has Cabo Verdean Heritage, Jackie’s parents are from Sato AntãoFrom a very young age, Jackie has had a deep interest in and love for art. Her nanny helped her develop technical skills in adding shadows and light to her drawings. As part of her art education, Jackie also learned how to sculpt.

“ I have been painting for as long I can remember, to me Art is like therapy. Not only does it bring me joy, but it also enables me to spread joy to others. ”

The Cesária Évora painting

Jackie’s favorite painting is a tribute to Cesária Évora and Cabo Verde. “I love her music and want to show people the Cabo Verdian culture through my artwork. With this painting, inspired while listing to her music, I want to share the love and joy I have for my Cabo Verdean Heritage. It’s my dream to be able to visit Cabo Verde and explore the local artwork galleries.

“ I get inspired by music and culture. I love to express myself through vibrant colors and lots of textures.”

Through her art, Jackie aims to celebrate black people and people of color. “It’s an opportunity to share my heritage and my point of view as an artist, something I didn’t see or experience much growing up. Every girl and boy should be able to see their true self through art.”

Visit Jackie’s Instagram page @artbyjaackie, where she sells her artwork, to support her.