Carnival in São Nicolau

The biggest event on this quiet island takes place every year in February: the “Carnival”!
Even though it lasts only three days, people probably spend the remaining 362 days preparing for it.

One of the most important things about the “Carnival” is the music. Songs are even written, distributed, learned, and rehearsed especially for the celebration. But that’s nothing compared to the spectacular costumes and effort to make this year’s theme a reality. The costumes of the Carnival King and Queen cost around $100,000 (€1,000). Those who want to have a costume made, dance in the parade all three days, and attend the sponsored parties will have to budget around $7,000. Participants do not even know their appearance, as all fittings are blindfolded.

On the party’s first day, the island is divided into two rival groups, who dance and sing their way to the main square along different routes. The festivities continue until the next morning. The second day of the festival begins like the first. After that, a day of rest is announced. On Fat Tuesday, the third day of the festival, many people participate in the giant party in their costumes.

The following day, some paper-mâché relics are left in someone’s garden because it is too painful for some people to destroy them.