Festivals in Fogo

The end of April is the time for Fogo’s great festival, the Bandeira de São Filipe. There are horse races, which are held on the black sand terrace in front of the Hotel Savana, dancing and parades. Special dishes are prepared. The island has a very special music known as pilão, similar to batuku, a chant and the beating of drums that form the background for the grinding of corn in the run-up to the festival. During the festival, accommodations are scarce and prices rise higher than the slopes of the volcano.

List off all the festivals in fogo

All public holidays and national events are marked in a different color. 

1 January New Year

20 January National Heroes' Day

20 January - São Sebastião

Late April - Bandeira de São Filipe

1 May Labour Day

24 June São João

29 June São Pedro

5 July Independence Day

2nd Sunday in July Santa Rainha de Cabo Verde

This festival is in Cha das Caldeiras

5 August Nossa Sra do Socorro

10 August São Lourenço

15 August Nossa Senhora da Graça

15 August Municipality Day

This festival is in Mosteiros

12 September Nationality Day

1 November All Saints' Day

24 November Santa Catarina

This festival is in Cova Figueira

25 December Christmas Day

Special Festivals


Festivals per island

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