Discover Fogo
The island with the active vulcano

The Island Fogo in Cabo Verde

On the island of Fogo, there is still an active volcano, Pico de Fogo with more than 2800 meters of altitude which makes it also the highest point in Cabo Verde. In the crater, the volcano still smokes from its last eruption, and everywhere you can still see the dark, dried lava flows from centuries ago. The fertile volcanic soil makes much of the island green and there are many plantations. This also allows for the local production of Manecom wine. Fogo is also known for its quality coffee with its unique taste. UNESCO has declared Fogo a Biosphere Reserve.

The History of Fogo

Fogo erupted from the sea several hundred thousand years ago. After the first eruption, there were numerous smaller eruptions, all of which formed craters on the floor of the original large crater, which is now about 10 km long and 7 km wide. Volcanoes are fertile places, and Fogo’s agricultural potential was harnessed early on. Fogo was the second island in the archipelago to be settled and populated with slaves who grew cotton and developed the art of weaving. The island was famous for its pano preta, a deep indigo cloth that was shipped to Santiago. 

After the 2014 volcanic eruption, Fogo benefited from foreign investment and development, much of it financed by Germany, Switzerland, and other countries. The result has been a new port, large-scale terracing, dams and reforestation. The inhabitants of Fogo grow coffee and produce very tasty wines to the delight of many visitors to Cabo Verde, as well as juices and various liqueurs.

Fogo is also said to have the potential for geothermal energy to generate electricity. However, the investment required for this would be enormous. Rainwater seeps through the permeable volcanic rock and enters underground reservoirs. Water samples taken during investigations have reached a temperature of 200-300 °C.

The Weather in Fogo


Fogo how to get there?

Flights to Fogo

There is a domestic flight from Santiago to Fogo. This flight takes about 30 minutes. Also, there is an occasional flight from Sal. In clear weather, you can enjoy the view of the volcano in the blue sea. Also, there are occasionally organized day-trips from Sal.

Flights to Fogo in Cabo Verde

Festivals at Fogo

Like every island in Cabo Verde, Fogo has its own festivals every year. Locals and tourists come together to enjoy the festivities.

Transportation by sea to Fogo

Take a ferry to Fogo

From Fogo, there are ferries five times a week to Brava and somewhat less frequently to Santiago-Praia. Schedules are published only a month in advance, so it is important to check the website beforehand, or better yet, ask one of the tour operators, as they are often better informed. Fogo’s port Porto Vale Cavaleiros (Barca Balero) is a few kilometers north of São Filipe, and a taxi into or out of town costs $400.


Take a yacht to Fogo

On Fogo, there is a swell that can only be escaped by anchoring in the harbor north of the capital. The approach of any vessel is registered by the Delegação Maritimo (Port Authority), and you must present your identification papers. Even though the port facilities have been improved over the years, more improvements are needed.

Getting around in Fogo


It’s a 20-minute walk downhill to the capital Sao Filipe, about 2 km. If you share a cab, it costs about $100 (not shared $300) Most hotels pick up their guests if booked in advance. Just be aware that it may be more difficult to find a ride if you land or fly on a Sunday.

Things to do in Fogo

Things to see in Fogo

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