About Us

At Visita-CaboVerde.com we want to inform people about this beautiful African country and its culture, which consists of a group of 10 islands in the Atlantic Ocean. Cabo Verde is a lesser known destination for many people, which is why we created this website. To put this group of islands in perspective.

Visita-CaboVerde.com does not claim to be a complete travel guide about Cabo Verde, we prefer to leave that task to the professionals! We are happy to provide a direct link to them. The same goes for all the content we use, and we name the authors of the materials we use

So if you prefer a warm and exotic destination and would like to discover some African culture, enjoy relaxing on the beach or love water sports, fishing and hiking, Cabo Verde is the perfect destination for you Cabo Verde is the perfect destination!

We hope you enjoy reading about Cabo Verde and that you fall in love with this exotic destination as much as we did.